What can you do to reduce your climate footprint?

Man-made climate change is a result of us humans consuming more resources than the planet can produce, and emitting more CO2 into the atmosphere than the planet can absorb. If you want to reduce the climate burden, consider following a few of the steps listed here.

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Take the bike or public transport
Take the bike or public transport

Cars emit large amounts of CO2, and biofuels are not necessarily a sustainable alternative. Instead, use public transport or bicycle to the extent you can. If you need to invest in a new car, you may want to consider an electric car.

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Limit the number of flights
Limit the number of flights

Aircrafts emit large amounts of CO2. A round trip to New Zealand emits the same amount of CO2 as electricity consumption in an average house for about three years. And short flights are also problematic as extra fuel is needed for take-off and landing.

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Eat less meat
Eat less meat

Meat is one of the most resource consuming foods to produce. The global production of meat and the increasing global demand for meat result in the clearing of vast forest areas to make room for cattle farming and for the cultivation of soy for livestock feed. A regular, meat-based diet affects the climate as much as a full-year regular / moderate consumption of a smaller passenger car.

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Eat fewer dairy products
Eat fewer dairy products

Dairy products are resource-intensive to produce because cows require large amounts of feed to produce milk. At the same time, cattle emit both large amounts of CH4 (Methane gas) and CO2. Dairy products constitute the food group that, most after meat, impacts the climate most.

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Buy local food in season
Buy local food in season

Locally produced food that is not produced in greenhouses generally emits less CO2 than products produced abroad and transported to Denmark by air. Organic products are not necessarily better for the short term climate, but they are more sustainable and environmentally friendly in the long run.

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Save on your electricity and heat
Save on your electricity and heat

The majority of the electricity and heat produced results in the discharge of large amounts of carbon. You can switch to energy produced from reusable resources, such as water or wind, and as a consumer, you can help demand more renewable energy. However, until all energy comes from reusable resources, the most effective way to reduce its climate impact is to reduce its personal consumption.

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Recycle and sort recyclable waste
Recycle and sort recyclable waste

Recycling reduces consumption and thus production. Waste disposal can be a burden on the climate as waste incineration emits toxic greenhouse gases. This is especially a problem in developing countries where the smoke is rarely cleaned. Waste sorting aims to ensure that the waste is handled in the most correct way and that what can be recycled is recycled.

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Buy FSC certified wood and wood products
Buy FSC certified wood and wood products

The FSC mark is your guarantee that the timber you buy comes from sustainable forestry. Avoid buying exotic wood from ancient forests, including the varieties of iroko, mahogany, abachi and teak. You can read more about FSC here.

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Say no thanks to advertising
Say no thanks to advertising

The production of printed matter requires energy and paper, which rarely comes from sustainable FSC-certified wood. Limit your consumption of paper and printed matter. A good place to start is to say 'no thanks to advertising.'

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