A Good cup of coffee

Attention all coffee lovers. The experts at Perfect Daily Ground brought us this carefully crafted list that we turned into actionable items. Make sure you check out their original list for some great tips regarding composting and energy consumption of the different brewing methods.

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Low Energy Brewing
Low Energy Brewing

Consider brewing method with lower energy consumption: French press, aeropress or pour-over coffee. Coffee and espresso machines are smart but find one with lower power consumption that powers off when not used.

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Carry a mug
Carry a mug

Coffee lids are made of plastic, but did you know that to-go cups are made of plastic as well? Yep, 16 billion single-use cups end up as plastic trash in the EU each year. So, bring your own reusable mug.

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Avoid coffee capsules
Avoid coffee capsules

Coffee pods produce a lot more waste than traditional brewing methods due to the packaging. After preparing your coffee, you should thoroughly clean each capsule and take it to a dedicated recycling facility. But how realistic is that for you?

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Coffee filters
Coffee filters

As well as creating waste volume, many paper filters are bleached with chlorine or oxygen. Oxygen is more environmentally friendly than chlorine, but it’s still a chemical process with waste products. So, consider using unbleached filters or switching to a reusable one.

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Buy good coffee
Buy good coffee

Buy organic, Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certified coffee. Their beans are likely to be shade grown, preventing deforestation.

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