Mama list

Your mom or grandma always knows some clever ways to do things.

For example, my mom can make yummy meals out of leftover food. She thinks that using a dryer can make clothes worse and likes to reuse old bread bags for lunch and other stuff. She also cleans and airs out the house a lot, which is good because it keeps the air fresh and healthy.

But she really likes using chemicals in the bathroom and she looks for bargains when shopping, even if it means buying products that aren't organic.

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Stay close to your mother
Stay close to your mother

It's obvious: the farther you move away from your mother, the more CO2 you produce when you and later your family visit her. But don't live too close either.

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Become better at cooking
Become better at cooking

The better you get at cooking, the less food you waste: you become better at using leftovers in other dishes. For my mother, soup is the dish that cleans out the fridge: meat leftovers, sausages, and boring vegetables, everything can be used. It's topped with old bread croutons fried in butter.

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Use the clothesline
Use the clothesline

Use the clothesline when the weather permits. You will save 2-3 kWh per wash and your clothes will give off fewer fibers.

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Recycle the bag
Recycle the bag

Most plastic bags are only used for a few minutes. Yet they take more than 500 years to break down. Take a reusable (mule) bag with you the next time you're down at the supermarket ...

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Cut out single use cutlery
Cut out single use cutlery

Single-use cutlery, plates, and cups are bad. Like, REAL bad. And you probably have cutlery at home, don’t you? All you need to do is bring it with you.

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Turn off your electronics
Turn off your electronics

Do you leave your computer on even when you're not using it? If you do, try turning it off when you're not using it to save electricity and help the environment. Turning off your electronics not only saves you money but also makes the air inside your home better. When electronics are turned on, they release chemicals that can be harmful. So, it's a good idea to turn them off when you're not using them.

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Air out
Air out

The air inside your home can be more polluted than the air outside, so it's important to let fresh air in often. We recommend opening windows or doors for 2 periods of 5 minutes each day to get some fresh air flowing. You could try doing this in the morning and before bedtime while you brush your teeth.

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Clean frequently
Clean frequently

When you remove dust, your home not only looks cleaner, but it also becomes healthier to live in. Cleaning is important because chemicals accumulate in the dust. Be aware that vacuuming alone is not enough; dusting should also be done once a week. If you have small children who crawl around on the floor, it's especially important to pay attention to this.

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