Here's how to get a more sustainable garden

As a garden owner, you can easily put an undue burden on the environment if you are not aware. However, there are plenty of ways you can care for the greenery on your property while reducing your carbon footprint, protecting groundwater and vulnerable nature as well as giving animal life a helping hand. 

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Compost is an excellent fertiliser, especially if you supplement it with some animal manure, which increases the content of nitrogen.

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Remove weeds with hoe
Remove weeds with hoe

When controlling ragweed and nettles, it should not be done with Roundup or other chemicals that end up in the groundwater. Even herbicides approved by the Ministry of Environment harm the environment.

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Collect rainwater
Collect rainwater

In dry and warm periods, it may be necessary to water parts of the garden. In particular, newly planted plants, plants in pots, raised beds, the greenhouse, the kitchen garden, and beds exposed in full sun need watering. On the contrary, non-newly planted trees, shrubs, and lawns can usually manage without watering.

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Choose the right plants
Choose the right plants

Plants that bloom benefit insect life, provide greater biodiversity, better pollination, and works as a natural pest control. Perennials are also preferable because the energy needed to produce the plant is distributed over many years... It also makes gardening easier since there is less tillage. At the same time, carbon is retained in the soil to a greater extent, which reduces the climate impact.

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Kitchen garden
Kitchen garden

A kitchen garden can be a great addition to your home and provides fresh produce right at your fingertips.

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Chickens in the garden
Chickens in the garden

Chickens can help turn garden waste such as grass clippings and weeds into useful products, their droppings work as an excellent fertiliser, and of course they make lovely eggs.

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